SCOTON technical service is very unique, our team has a wealth of field service and operating experience, and has been with the major domestic and foreign oil fields to establish a good relationship of cooperation.
Oilfield drilling technology face rapid development and changes, in order to keep up with the world development trend, SCOTON constantly innovate and develop new technology, also perfect the sophisticated technology and service at the same time, always try to create greater value for customers.
Technical measures for casing cementing operation2025/03/06According to formation characteristics, reservoir characteristics, cementing technology and quality requirements of cementing, scientifically and reasonably prepare cementing construction design.
Automated drilling2021/03/29Automated drilling is one of the oil industry’s most important innovation targets.The sources now being tapped, such as shale gas and coal-bed methane, require a very large number of wells, and autom...
Multilateral Drilling2021/03/29Sometimes oil and natural gas reserves are located in separate layers underground and multilateral drilling allows producers to branch out from the main well to tap reserves at different depths.This i...
Innovative Features of the Top Drive2018/08/211. The China top drive reduction gearbox adopts the inverted oil cup type patent structure, which completely solves the problem that the gear oil may leak due to the failure of the spindle oil seal du...
Dual Well Completion Principle2018/04/29After the oil wellpenetrating through the oil layer and the bottom water layer, the well completionsare implemented in oil and water layer, and the two layers were seperated by apacker. When the well ...
Usage & Operation of Safety Joints2018/04/29(I) Drill stringassemblySafetyjoint installs on the tubing string and operates for drilling, salvaging, wellcleaning, repairing and testing, etc. Its diameter and diameter of the bit portshould be th...
Introduction of Q250 Pneumatic Spinning Wrench2018/04/29Q250 Pneumatic spinningwrench is a pneumatic roller type spinner used in marine and drillingmechanization industry, with a range of 3 1/2-10 (in) drill rods and drillcollars. In the drilling operation...
F 2200 Mud Pump2018/04/28In 2005, CNPC Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd successfully researched and developed the first domestic F 2200 mud pump with its own property rights. It is equipped with 9000 meters of super-deep dri...